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Thursday, December 26, 2019
Long Cat is Loooooooooong (And Trans-Dimensional)
Back in February of 2010, after a month of Photoshop work, I was proud to present my version of Long Cat. Long Cat is the beloved meme of the internets and has been the subject of many Photoshop renderings. What sets this rendering apart from all others? I believe this is the first rendering of Long Cat that truly captures the trans-dimensional essence of this mythical creature. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the legend, Long Cat’s arch-nemesis, Tac Gnol, is in control of the alter-universe where pretty much everything is bass ackwards. Their conflict is an epic struggle that has endured since the beginning of time itself. Their existence is believed to be the balance between good and evil, the yin and yang, positive and negative. Without their presence, nothing would exist.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
The past year has been transformative, to say the least, but much more than even I could ever have believed.
Ever sense I read the morning papers back on the 3rd day in August of 1990, the headlines reporting that Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, I began looking out for signs that tribulation, biblical or otherwise, would be lurking just around the corner. I had a foreshadowing that bad times lie ahead, but I never believed it to be as bad as it is. The reality to which I was so rudely awakened into, has convinced me that hell is upon us. Politicians I once supported in the past have become complicit in the destruction of this country and the engineering of our enslavement. I am now asking openly why many of them are not in jail.
I am leaving this blog and all of its past entries intact. I invite you to go back through my old rants and political postings and remember what I write from here on out. Because I now understand - with the greatest of certainty - what is actually happening to our beautiful country, and for that matter, the rest of the world.
Because of so many obvious factors involved concerning major events that have taken place around the globe over the past two years have lead me to start questioning everything.... and what I found has rendered me horrified.
Ever sense I read the morning papers back on the 3rd day in August of 1990, the headlines reporting that Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, I began looking out for signs that tribulation, biblical or otherwise, would be lurking just around the corner. I had a foreshadowing that bad times lie ahead, but I never believed it to be as bad as it is. The reality to which I was so rudely awakened into, has convinced me that hell is upon us. Politicians I once supported in the past have become complicit in the destruction of this country and the engineering of our enslavement. I am now asking openly why many of them are not in jail.
I am leaving this blog and all of its past entries intact. I invite you to go back through my old rants and political postings and remember what I write from here on out. Because I now understand - with the greatest of certainty - what is actually happening to our beautiful country, and for that matter, the rest of the world.
Because of so many obvious factors involved concerning major events that have taken place around the globe over the past two years have lead me to start questioning everything.... and what I found has rendered me horrified.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Bet Me and Loose...
Midlands teacher accused of stomping on American flag in class
Posted: Jan 08, 2013 5:01 PM EST
Updated: Jan 09, 2013 8:50 AM EST
By Jennifer Emert
CHAPIN, SC (WIS) - At least one parent calls the actions of a Chapin High School English teacher disrespectful and unpatriotic.
The Lexington-Richland District 5 teacher is accused of throwing down the American flag and stomping on it in front of his honors English classes.
When Michael Copeland overheard his teenager talking about what her honors II English teacher did with the flag in their classroom, he pressed for details.
"He drew a couple of symbols, like one of them was a cross, and he said, 'What does this represent,' and everybody said, 'Christianity,'" said Copeland.
"Then he proceeds to take down the American flag, and said, 'This is a symbol, but it's only a piece of cloth. It doesn't mean anything,' and then he throws it down on the floor and then stomps on it, repeatedly."
"I asked what was he trying to get, the point across? And she said, 'I don't know,' and he said, his explanation was there would be no consequences, it's just a piece of cloth that doesn't mean anything."
But there are consequences.
"Our superintendent served in the military, I served in the military for 20 years, our flag is a symbol of our freedom, and so many people have fought and died for that liberty, and so we take this action very seriously," said Mark Bounds, a spokesperson for Lexington-Richland 5.
The lesson was repeated in three classes that day, prompting a full investigation. After an unrelated incident at Dutch Fork where a teacher was suspended for a political sign in her room, officials say teachers know better...
You think the NEA is going to allow some military vet superintendent to get away with this? You must be new here.
Remind me again...
... how this image is out of touch with reality...
Biden: Obama Considering 'Executive Order' to Deal With Guns
The Weekly Standard
11:42 AM, Jan 9, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER
"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."
Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."
Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of Americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."....
Monday, January 07, 2013
I'll Just Leave This Here...
The tyranny of evil politicians and the resolve of patriots, many of whom were WWII veterans in a must-see historical re-enactment of how our Second Amendment works as intended by the framers of our Constitution...
Monday, December 31, 2012
A New Dawn
As 2012 draws to an end, we face many challenges as a nation and as human beings. We know that uncertainty can lead to fear, but if we understand more fully, the purpose of our existence, our desire to persevere, and our commitment to survival in these perilous times, we find the will to make necessary changes in preparation for the worst as we fervently pray for the best.
Nine years ago, I started blogging with the intent of lending my voice to countless others like myself, who saw their country being threatened from evil abroad. Sadly, over that time, we have found that our greatest enemy was not on the soil of some third world country, but within our own borders, as those who have been elected to protect us, now plot to strip us of our Constitutional rights, our sovereignty, our liberty and our way of life, while, at the same time, robing us of our financial means and shackling our children and grand-children to a national debt so tremendous, it guarantees that we will NEVER be able to recover and stand as the strongest and most prosperous nation on the Earth.
Shortly after starting my weblog here at Google, I decided to break free and start my own website. was born and over the years I have spent countless hours building it up into a great blog. At one time I was ranked among the top 10% of all blogs on the interwebs, totaling in the hundreds of thousands. As time drove on, I found it harder and harder to find sufficient time to keep bloging, but I would always keep it alive by paying the annual hosting web and address registration fees in the hopes that I would find more time to devote to it... until this past year.
With a new job and the easy means of communication that social networking offers, I let nearly an entire year go by with hardly a single posting to show for it. I guess you can couple that with a lack of enthusiasm brought on in part by my disappointment in our country's resolve for real political change. It appears the majority of this country would rather live high on borrowed time than secure a future for our prodigy. In turn, that leaves the rest of us who are concerned about such things out in the cold planning now for the inevitable. So, with tightening funds making it impossible to continue, I have finally decided to close down my beloved website and move back here.
Over the following months and years, I hope to find the time to transfer all my postings back here to and with a bit of luck, I may be able to make this an even better experience than before.
To all who have taken the time to read this posting and to those who have followed my postings over the years, I wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
It's Not Rocket Science
My thoughts and prayers with all those who have suffered such horrific loss in today's school massacre. It is nearly an equal tragedy to see all of these idiot pundits and politicians out there demanding more ineffective and inconsequential gun control legislation. I don't give a FLIPPIN' RAT'S ASS how many laws they put in place to ban guns, sick criminal bastards will still have them and be able to get them and the rest of us will be left as defenseless sheep. Now, on the other hand, if there were trained CCW citizens in that school, that sick bastard might not have made it out of the principal's office alive. Look at Switzerland. They have compulsory military service, where ALL their citizens are armed, trained and allowed to keep their weapons, and their murder rate is nearly non existent.... because even those with criminal intent KNOW if they even tried to pull this kind of shit, they would be shot down on the spot! A gun is like a hammer; used with respect and training, it is a tool that can be used for a great deal of good, but in the hands of a madman, it can kill. Don't be so quick to give up liberty for safety. As Ben Franklin stated "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." The deeper problem in today's American society is the breakdown of traditional family and God fearing values. As long as those continue to deteriorate, so shall our society.
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