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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cucumbers are for salads!

Why is it that so many Liberals have such a problem accepting truth as a remedy for fixing a social problem? It?s like trying to feed brussel sprouts to a spoiled child who?s been raised on junk food. While the child might well know the truth that brussel sprouts are healthier for them than the junk food, they protest because the junk food is more fun for them to eat. Now here?s the irony; with so many clean environment, organic food promoting, health conscious Liberals out there, why are they so opposed to promoting verified methods of positive sexual health?

With the onset of the sexual revolution during the 1960s, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease rose dramatically. Before long the market was flooded with various forms of sexual contraception and by the 1970s, the feminist movement had jumped full swing into action seeking liberation for the sexually active woman. The sexual revolution peaked when their efforts resulted in the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, making it legal for women to murder their children in utero. Since then, STDs have developed and mutated into deadly incurable diseases, contraceptive devices have proved to be an ineffective means of protection, unplanned birth rates have risen, the age of kids having sex and getting pregnant has lowered into early and pre-pubescent years and since 1973 more than 30,000,000 unwanted children were murdered by the now-legal abortion industry.

Another major contributing factor in this perverted revolution has been the continual loosening of sexual moral values. As if by popular demand, the entertainment industry, seeking to capitalize on the growing fascination with such taboo topics, began increasing the frequency and intensity of on-screen lewdness until today where casual sex with multiple partners, deviant sex acts and homosexuality have become common place in the television and cinema mediums. Over the past 15 years, the internet age has blossomed into a virtual cornucopia of every sexual indulgence available to just about anyone with access to a computer. In the late ?90s, our then ?good-time rock-n-roller? President BJ Clinton made international news, being exposed for engaging in extramarital oral sex with a young White House intern. As if that wasn?t bad enough, he was then found in contempt for lying about it before a Federal Grand Jury which resulted in his impeachment. When questioned under oath about his immoral activity, he ?blew? off the act as not being the same as ?sexual relations? by intercourse involving vaginal penetration.

Fast forward to 2005 where a recent study showed that a survey of children around 14 years old found that 20 percent claimed they?ve had engaged in oral sex, compared to 14 percent who said they had engaged in sexual intercourse. What is frighteningly disturbing here is that the study found the practice of oral sex as ?an activity that some adolescents view as not sex at all and certainly less risky than intercourse.? Way to go Slick Willy! Now we get to reap what you?ve sown.

In the attempt to swing the moral pendulum back in the opposite direction, reduce the out-of-control abortion rate and stave off a possible STD epidemic, President Bush has implemented an abstinence education policy aimed at our country?s youth. Rightly so, by abstaining from all sexual activity until marriage you virtually eliminate any possibility of contracting STDs and completely avoid the risk of dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. This method of sex education removes the individual from potential harm, teaches them the value of self respect and dignity and provides them with a level of protection not available in any contraception on the market today. As part of this new effort The Department of the Health and Human Services (HHS) published a website called which offers numerous statistics validating my previous claims and encourages the involvement of parents communicating with their children about these realities.

Apparently, or should I say ?obviously,? the Liberals are having a hissy-fit over the Bush administrations new sexual education policies. Once again they are threatened by truth and have come out in a forceful showing of opposition. As reported in a recent AP story, the ACLU, the NEA and gay-rights activist groups are now demanding that the government?s new web site be taken down claiming that the government needs to address teenagers who are already sexually active, homosexual, or who?ve been sexually abused. WHAT? How dare the government tell those kids not to have sex! The way I see it, the Liberals need to stop pushing their sick sense of values on our children. Kids need to be taught the truth, they need to learn to respect themselves and they need a healthy fear of sexual realities and consequences. Additionally, if the public schools would only follow suit, they could finally stop teaching kids that condoms were made for cucumbers.

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