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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Back in the Saddle!!!

Ok folks, it?s about time I came back to rejoin the fray.

OMG, what a bummer summer! For a time of year that?s traditionally slow on news, I think it?s safe to say that this year we truly suffered an overload! Between the hurricanes, the WOT, the SCOTUS vacancies, the ongoing political wrangling, the liberal bias in the MSM and that blubbering freaking idiot Cindy Sheehan, the one thing on the minds of most Americans has been that which has hit us in a very direct way and that has been out-of-control oil prices squeezing dry the pockets of the typical energy consumer.

Over the past two years, my energy costs have doubled. In 2003 it only took $18 to fill up my gas tank and today it costs me nearly $36. In 2003 my heating oil budget was $140 a month and today it?s up to $260! Who?s to blame? Yeh, yeh, I know, I know... it?s all that Nazi prick Bush?s fault, right? Well, if you follow the liberal rhetoric coming from the bowels of the MSM, it sure seems to be the message being spewed on the gullible public. Then you have nincompoops like Bill O?Reilly ranting that the oil companies are responsible for raping the public and they somehow have ultimate sway over the commodities markets!

When you have conditions that have been plaguing an industry supplying what is arguably the most important commodity of modern times, including Middle Eastern hostilities, natural disasters, rising global demand and on top of all that, slap them with a relentless barrage of restrictions made possible by radical environmentalism, you end up with a very expensive product. The only way we can possibly affect the oil market is to loosen some of the most ridiculous environmental restrictions placed on the oil companies. We need to allow them to drill for more oil and refine more fuel here in the states and stop making them go through the costly and totally unnecessary process of supplying dozens of different blends of gas for every state in the union.

On Friday, the US House of Representatives passed a bill designed to loosen these restrictions on the oil industry and guess who was dead set against it. Yep? that?s right? the dopey donks and a sizeable bunch of environmentalist RINOS. Why would they be so opposed to such straight forward legislation that would take a major operation burden off the oil industry resulting in lower oil prices? Haven?t the donks been the foremost complainers about the rising cost of energy?

The answer is blatantly obvious. In reality, the dummycrats want the price of fuel to remain high so they can have political ammunition against the president and the GOP in the upcoming election cycle. Simply put, my response to idiots like Nancy Pelosi and the radical environmentalist left can be summed up in one simple acronym...


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