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Friday, June 08, 2007


I cannot fully express the warmth I have in my heart for those of you who showed such a warm concern for my well being. I coached mamma from my hospital bed on how to put up a brief PSA on why I wouldn't be posting for a while and somehow it turned into a full blown "Get Well, Mo" rally. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly what I was trying to accomplish, but is sure is nice to know that there are so many of you folks out there who really do give a shit about me. *wipes tears from eyes* ...and yes, including momma. I mean, my God, she even emailed SondraK after finding out that was where a majority of y'all were coming from.

OH... and just so I don't forget...

For those of you wondering what this is all about; on Friday I was working on patching our kitchen ceiling when I started feeling dizzy. I felt the worst flu-like symptoms coming on quickly. I had the chills something awful and started shivering uncontrollably. I got down off the ladder, went upstairs, took a hot shower, and climbed in bed. It wasn't until then that my lower left leg started swelling and stinging as if I had been bitten by something. When my wife come home, I was half asleep. She took one look at my leg and knew she needed to rush me to the hospital. They had to bring me in on a wheelchair and my temperature was close to 105 degrees! The doctors admitted me immediately, ran several blood tests, diagnosed me with acute cellulitis, started shooting me up with blood thinners and proceeded pumping me full of intravenous anti-biotics.

The first night was hell. The food was lousy and the bedside care was so-so except for one young pretty nurse named Nicole who was an absolute angel, but who's shift was only between 3:00pm and 11:00pm. They kept my leg wrapped in warm damp towels every 4 hours and ramped the foot of my bed up above my heart to help reduce the swelling in my leg. After 4 days, the worst of the symptoms subsided and I was able to get around some. We never did figure out what caused all this in the first place. By Thursday, I was walking down the hall to get my own water and ice and this morning, my wife came to pick me up. I slept most of the afternoon, but couldn't wait to get back to working on my computer.

Just to give you an idea, here's what my legs look like at this point...

Kinda easy to tell the difference, eh? The doctor says that I need to spend a majority of my time in a position where my left leg is elevated above my heart, but he has no concept of the need I have to get back to all of you, my dear friends.

And so, I will be checking my emails from time to time and hopefully doing some light posting for a while until I am able to handle spending more time out of bed. Thank you all once again for your prayers and good wishes for my recovery and God bless.

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