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Monday, January 04, 2010

Beck is bitting the hand that feeds him!

A couple of days ago, I posted on Steve Cooper's effort to rally 5000+ patriots for a project he dubbed "Operation FLOOD IT." The object was to flood Glenn Beck's radio show with phone calls on Monday, January 4th, requesting that he stop dismissing his supporters and end the media blackout on the issue of BHO's constitutional ineligibility to serve as POTUS due to mounting evidence that he is NOT a natural born citizen of the United States. For far too long, Mr. Beck has ridiculed callers concerned about this blatant disregard for the US Constitution and the administration's "all out war" to suppress the issue of Obama's proof of citizenship.

Well, Monday morning was no different. After a dozen or so attempts at trying to get through, I figured the phone lines melted as Steve hopped. However, this was not the case as others I spoke with others who were able to get through. Many were hung up on and other's who spoke with the call screener reported being placated with the assurance that Glenn was aware of their concerns and is addressing the issue on the air. Yeah, right. Beck spent a small portion of one segment mocking the "birthers" and strengthening his resolve to maintain that adherence to Article II of the US Constitution was not important despite several current and pending lawsuits to resolve the matter of BHO's presidential eligibility.

Glenn Beck on birther issue: 'Dumbest thing I've ever heard'
Claims controversy is political 'dream come true' for Obama

Posted: January 04, 2010
9:22 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

On the air today, popular radio host Glenn Beck mocked "birthers" and claimed there is a concerted campaign to get those questioning Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility onto the airwaves – a strategy Beck said would actually benefit Obama.

"There's always games being played behind the scenes at a talk radio show," Beck said. "Rush has always called them seminar callers. But instead of being coy with the seminar callers or with you, I'm just going to expose the game that is going on. Today there is a concerted effort on all radio stations to get birthers on the air."

"I have to tell you, are you working for the Barack Obama administration?" Beck scoffed. "I mean, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

The ongoing dialogue then spun off into ridicule as Beck caricatured those who question the sitting president's eligibility with straw-man arguments reminiscent of jibes made by Obama's apologists in other news outlets.

Beck defined birthers as people who believe Obama was born in Kenya or other foreign country, was raised as a Manchurian candidate and somehow brainwashed Hillary Clinton into not exposing his fraud. According to Beck's running joke, birthers believe someone – maybe Obama's KGB "control" – preemptively placed Obama's birth announcement in 1961 Hawaiian newspapers with a "roadmap" of getting an African man into office.

As for Obama producing a long-form birth certificate to actually prove his place of birth, Beck questioned, "Why do that when these people ['birthers'] are so discrediting themselves?"

The radio host further argued that by distracting the public from actionable issues, "birthers" have become "a dream come true" for Obama, an ideal situation akin to the fantasies of adolescent boys after Hollywood bombshells.

"Barack Obama looks at the birthers as Megan Fox," Beck said, referring to the star and sex symbol of the popular "Transformers" films.


Frankly, folks, what pisses me off is the fact that Mr. Beck is so damned concerned about due deference to the US Constitution, yet he is defiantly choosing to ignore one of the most essential underpinnings of the sacred document he claims to be protecting. That, my friends, is called HYPOCRISY!

With the apparent success of Operation FLOOD IT, due to the overwhelming positive response Steve Cooper received, he has decided to take his cause to the next level. Starting today, the new plan of attack has been officially dubbed Operation Special Prosecutor...

...We all know Glenn is a patriot, BUT he is also participating in this news blackout. There are reports that Fox news was allegedly threatened with FCC intimidation if they reported this issue. Other networks were allegedly threatened as well, to keep this story OUT OF THE NEWS.

After attacking the movement and refusing to air any of the callers, Beck immediately went into talking about health care and czars. MORE DISTRACTION....

Glenn, health care is passing you dope and Obama is surrounded by radicals that are not going anywhere. YOU are wasting your time throwing jabs, but refusing to throw the knock out punch.

Operation Flood it was a success and we are now mobilizing into OPERATION "SPECIAL PROSECUTOR".

This operation will be spread to Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh as well as Beck. I want everyone to call their shows as well.

Michael Savage and Steve Malzberg have both had the lawyers on and one of the plaintiffs and I thank them for their COURAGE. They are TRUE PATRIOTS....

* We are demanding that the news blackout be lifted
* We are demanding that Eric Holder appoint a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR IMMEDIATELY.
* Hey Glenn? I guess we are un-American for asking for a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR?

Talking about czars and health care is a DISTRACTION GLENN. At least Hannity has not attacked the movement, unlike Beck, Mark Levin and Bill O' Reilly has; I am not angry with Hannity or Rush at all.

You are obviously afraid to throw the KNOCK OUT PUNCH.

Sean Hannity - (800) 941-7326
Rush Limbaugh - (800) 282-2882
Glenn Beck - (888) 727-2325
Mark Levin - (877) 381-3811
Michael Savage - (800) 449-8255
Steve Malzberg - (800) 321- 8828
Jeff Kuhner - (301) 984-9570

I want to thank everyone for their participation...

GLENN, we will not be silenced and we will NOT GO AWAY. Go sell your books with Bill O' the Obama stooge.

Allow me to offer my official response to Steve...

"You ain't got no problems, Jules Steve. I'm on the motherf*@%er. Go back in there, chill them n1993r5 out and wait for the cavalry, which should be comin' directly."

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