From the American east coast I'd just like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I'm still beating my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get my java menu to work properly and its driving me insane. We have so much to be thankful for in 2004 and I hope this next year will be at least equaly as rewarding.
Search This Blog
Friday, December 31, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Still pluggin' away...
I've been spending quite some time trying out different java menu builders for my site and I think I've found a good one, but filling it up with my favorite links is a tedious pain in the ass to say the least! However, once it's done I should be capable of adding more links in the future with relative ease. The point of all this is because I wanted to put these links on the site, but was reluctant in doing so because it would surely be overwhelming and I want to keep this place as simple and aesthetically appealing as possible. In a way, I'm kind of pissed that this site isn't finished being set up to where I want it as there is so much going on out there that I would love to rant about. I know that Rome wasn't built in a day and I know that there will always be little things to add along the way, but I want so badly to get this site to where I want it that I find it hard to put much focus on anything else? bla bla bla.
You understand .......right?
...thought so:)
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Solong Sontag!!!

Another major America hating moonbat bites the dust and of course Reuters comes out with a eulogy befitting of a fellow bleeding heart liberal! In parting I must say that she will likely not be missed by us red-state red-county, Jesus-land, gun-toting, capitalist, American patriot freaks. Instead, we backwoods ingrates will just pay our respects by throwing politeness to the wind and pie in her sour socialist puss!!!
BTW sweetie, when you get to where you're going (and yes, we're placing bets on where exactly that will be), be sure and give Mohamad Atta and his buddies a big hug, a wet kiss and let them know that you are one of his much anticipated 72 virgins.
Patience is a Virtue...
I know you guys are bitching about the fact that the great MoFo has been slacking in his duties and not "putting out". Well, to make short conversation of this, I would like to remind y'all that first of all I have a life, second of all I have been busy up to my eyeballs with work, third of all it's the freakin' Christmas holiday and lastly, any time I get in front of my puter has been dedicated almost exclusively to making this site an awsome place to start my ranting....... phew!
Good thing come to those who can wait...
The management
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Dead clowns are more humorus than this spiteful little troll.
Next thing you know the USO will be booking Janeane Garofalo and Margaret Cho.
Doesn't anyone care that our heros deserve some quality entertainment
instead of pathetic targets for throwing rotten vegtables at???
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Puer natus est nobis et Filius datus est nobis.
Oh Tannenbaum!
Ahh, the friuts of my labor...
This year we decided to go with an early Americana folk art theme. Come to think of it, the tree kinda looks like my web site. Go figure.
I can't wait to see my kids go through all this madness when they have kids of their own. When they get stuck staying up until the wee hours of the morning on Christmas making sure everything is "just right" for their little ones, it will not be until then that they gain full appreciation for what their parents endured for their happiness.
Oh well, I can't wait to pass out in the Lazyboy watching the football games after Christmas dinner. I'll prolly sleep like a baby............. God, I hope so.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Just like a man...
Wouldn't you know it? 24 hours before Christmas and here I am excercising my support of holiday capitalism. The worst part is finding a freakin' place to park that's within a quarter mile of the entrance! Next year I'm bringing a tow truck and make my own parking space.
Charging through the stores and beating up other slackers for last minute bargings isn't much of a problem for me, it's getting through the checkouts that really pisses me off! With all these business transaction going on, you would thing that the management would have enough brains to put more cashiers on duty! Ahhhh, screw it. Capitalism rulez!!!
Monday, December 20, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Testing, testing, 1,2,3 ...
T-00.20 seconds and counting, Control. All systems are GO.
...MoFo-One, you are Go for Main Ignition Start.
T-00.15 seconds and counting, Control. We are GO for launch.
T-00.05, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Friday, December 17, 2004
The 12 days of madness...
"Well, I've been checking out a few different options over here. I may just be getting my own domain and if I do, I'll prolly be changing over to Movable Type (for those of you who know WTF that means). Between that and having to deal with the madness that is the 12 days of Christmas, I've been seeking solace in various combinations of drugs and alcohol, but after seeing the effects that Scotch and Prozac have on others in the blog world, I better start being real careful."
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Patience is a Virtue... GRRRRRR!!!
I gotta get me some sleep. If I have a nightmare about this shit, I just might wake up in the middle of the night and unintentionally toss my 'puter out the fucking window.
I guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
No More Mr. Nice Guy...
Last time the car was stolen, I went out and got me a CLUB. I put that damned thing on ma steerin' wheel and the sons-a-bitches still made off with my ride. Seems all they needed to do was cut the steerin' wheel in one spot, pull it back, and chuck the stupid CLUB out the winda. That CLUB weren't worth shit!
Well this time I ain't fuckin' around!!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Better bring your umbrella...
Mo Fargin Secular Christmas Holiday Bullshit!!!
This crap has gone on for far too long!!!
If they can rain on our parade, then why
shouldn't we rain on their's?!?!