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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I hope they prove me wrong.

It sure is a mixed bag of emotions today as we celebrate a major victory in American freedom and reflect on the loss of such a major symbol of the modern civil rights movement.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito will bring much needed sanity to that last branch of government which is still held hostage by liberal and socialist ideology. I pray that he continues to be a strict constructionist and defender of our country's sacred constitution and does well in fending off the bad influences by many within the DC beltway only to loose his steady moral compass and fall victim to the sharade of modern day moral relativism. So far, I have the greatest respect for this judge. He seems like a very decent and fair man who respects the value of our country's founding principles. I am confident that he will continue to be a fine justice, but only time will tell.

I also have much respect for the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and for his vision of racial harmony. Unfortunately, toward the end of his life, he became roped into that same liberal mentality that entraps so many of the good hearted but weak minded. It’s that same backwards ideology that has hijacked the modern day civil rights movement, propped up the widow of the late Dr. King as their poster child and for the past 35 years has been using her iconic status to play on the sympathies of others in order to advance their sick liberal agenda. My sympathy goes out to the King family for their loss today and I will continue to pray that the civil rights movement ends their campaign of deceit and strives to achieve the true dream of the late Dr. Martin Luther King.

Although, I just keep wondering how long it's going to take for some asshat liberal to come out of the woodwork saying how poetic it was that Coretta Scott King decided to pass away the same morning Samuel Alito was approved by the US Senate (albeit under unprecedented partisan circumstances) and sworn in as our country's newest Supreme Court Justice.

...personally, I'm laying bets on it being Senator "Deep-Six" from the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts, but I could be wrong.

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