First off, let me say that my prayers go out to all affected by the vicious wildfires ravaging SoCal. Fire is non-discriminatory, knows no social boundaries and one cannot help but feel great sadness for those affected by loss of property and life. My good friend and hero from the left coast, Claire (a.k.a. e-Claire from e-biscuit.com) lives in California and although I believe she lives well north of the fires, I do hope her and her family are ok. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her :(
With that said, I must say that after watching the reports on the fires sweeping through Malibu, it struck me as a little disturbing, hearing all the concern over the homes and properties of the rich and famous folks living there. I mean, the reporting by the mainstream media seems so focused on the efforts by firefighters to save these multi-million dollar estates and IMO, very little attention appears to be directed towards the average folks loosing everything they worked so hard for their entire lives. Now don't get me wrong here; I'm not looking at this situation in terms of class envy, but all I keep hearing is this litany of how it is so sad that Hollywood's most affluent are suffering at the hands of mother nature's wrath and how brave firefighters are struggling to their limits to save these pricey posh digs.
As I was hearing about the destruction laid in the wake of the fire's path and watching these reporters appearing so distraught over the possibility of these mansions being reduced to cinders, the first thing that came to mind was God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - sorry folks, that's just what I thought of. With all the crap being sold to us these days by Hollywood liberals and wealthy know-it-all hypocrites, combined with the daily moonbattery exhibited by the socialist libtards, atheistic humanists and leftist politicians in that state (Schwarzenegger included), part of me has to wonder if the Good Lord has a hand in this. No, on second thought, I take that back. I know He has a hand in this. Once again, don't get me wrong here, bad things happen to good folks every day (I'm living proof of that), but fire has long been know as a primary form of God's purification of man for man's wickedness in society.
Regardless of who is affected by this hell on on earth, I do pray for them. Quite frankly, you would be very surprised if you knew those who I've prayed for over the years. My point in telling you all this is to make you aware that purification through fire is also a time for rebirth. I firmly believe this to be true in regard to ALL natural and even some man made disasters. Perhaps I just see it as God's way of reminding us of our mortality, how vulnerable we truly are and how we are always and continually at His mercy.
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