Isn’t it hilarious how the liberal vultures in the MSM are absolutely furious over the fact that news of Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally peppering his friend with birdshot during a quail hunt wasn’t revealed to them for an entire 18 hours?!?!?! The VP immediately placed his personal medical response team in charge of getting the injured party all necessary attention he needed, the local authorities were promptly informed, and a friend at the incident was allowed to make a press release to the local news paper.
I’m sorry, but I have to LMAO!!!
The VP knew damned well that by giving the scoop to the local rag, he would essentially poke the MSM elites right between the eyes! HA!!! If you missed the whining brats in the White House Press Corp reading the riot act to Scott McClellan over the 18 hour delay in releasing the news of the accident, you’ve gotta see it! No doubt, this is a classic MSM elitist assclown hissy-fit in its purest form! What a spoiled bunch of brats! You can even see that curmudgeonly old bag Helen Thomas sitting front and center having all to do with just preventing herself from having a total breakdown! Simply awesome!!!
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