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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

?!?! WTF ?!?!

Ok folks, I'm so F#@%in' mad I could drink a pint of turpentine and piss on house fire. Two days ago when the National Right to Life Committee indicated that it was going to endorse Fred Thompson for President, the story got all but a quarter of a day's worth of attention and then fell silent. Ok, perhaps they didn't want push a "rumor" to the headlines, and I can understand that. Then, yesterday they made the endorsement official, the story never made top headlines, had 15 minutes of fame and then appeared to die a quiet death. No flashing siren on Drudge's site, no "Breaking News" from FOX, absolutely NO mention at all over at World Net Daily (until I emailed Dave Kupelian and read him the riot act), and little if any mention or the story at most of the Christian news sites I am aware of.

So allow me to retort...

?!?! WTF ?!?!

Last night, in my frustration, I emailed David Kupelian and Joseph Farah over at World Net Daily to complain about their lack of attention on the Thompson/NRLC story:

Tue 11/13/2007 7:23 PM

Fred Thompson was endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee, the story has been out there since yesterday, and you fail to give ANY mention to it???

I thought you folks were solidly pro life. What happened???

A------ U-------
Montgomery NY

Although they never emailed me a response, they did finally post a link to the story - several lines down - and within three hours it was pulled back off to make way for the next news cycle.

Needless to say, I was pissed. I have been a reader of WND's website and a subscriber to "Whistle Blower" magazine for years. About a year or two ago I canceled the subscription because regular timely delivery was very sporadic. Regardless, they have always been "Johnny on the spot" when it came to reporting EVERY news story that dealt with the fight to end abortion and protect the sanctity of life. I have even contributed to several stories they later reported on and on the surface it appeared I had a good working relationship with editor David Kupelian. I must say that I am deeply saddened and disappointed with WND over this issue.

Then, this evening, I read this story over at the Washington Times about one of Mitt Romney's backers questioning NRLC's endorsement of Fred Thompson, suggesting that it was due to Thompson greasing the organization's palms!!!

Pro-life Thompson nod splits coterie
By Ralph Z. Hallow
November 14, 2007

Some pro-life advocates were astonished by the National Right to Life Committee's endorsement of Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson yesterday — a move they say puts politics over principle.

Paul M. Weyrich, president of the Free Congress Foundation, said the endorsement "makes no sense," and speculated that it had been motivated by money.

"I think in all probability the Thompson people were engaged with the National Right to Life people in financial dealing," said Mr. Weyrich, who has endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination.

"In the past, the Republican Party has funded National Right to Life, and while the committee can raise money on its own, it needs funding" from outside sources.

"Fred Thompson has a 100 percent pro-life voting record in the U.S. Senate and is proud to have the endorsement of an organization that fights to protect human life," said Thompson spokesman Darrel Ng.

David O'Stein, the committee's executive director, also scoffed at the assertion.

"He's got to be joking," Mr. O'Stein said. "There is absolutely no financial arrangement between the committee and the Thompson campaign or Fred Thompson."


Oh... poor baby. Having a hard time figuring out why they didn't endorse the Republican version of John "flip-flop" Kerry??? Ok, time you had a history lesson, you little freakin' whiner...

Of course now Romney claims to be Pro-Life *snicker-snicker* ...yeah, right.

On the other hand, Fred Thompson has congressional record that is 100% pro-life.

The NRLC must have really had a tough time with their decision... NOT!

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