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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I hope they prove me wrong.

It sure is a mixed bag of emotions today as we celebrate a major victory in American freedom and reflect on the loss of such a major symbol of the modern civil rights movement.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito will bring much needed sanity to that last branch of government which is still held hostage by liberal and socialist ideology. I pray that he continues to be a strict constructionist and defender of our country's sacred constitution and does well in fending off the bad influences by many within the DC beltway only to loose his steady moral compass and fall victim to the sharade of modern day moral relativism. So far, I have the greatest respect for this judge. He seems like a very decent and fair man who respects the value of our country's founding principles. I am confident that he will continue to be a fine justice, but only time will tell.

I also have much respect for the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and for his vision of racial harmony. Unfortunately, toward the end of his life, he became roped into that same liberal mentality that entraps so many of the good hearted but weak minded. It’s that same backwards ideology that has hijacked the modern day civil rights movement, propped up the widow of the late Dr. King as their poster child and for the past 35 years has been using her iconic status to play on the sympathies of others in order to advance their sick liberal agenda. My sympathy goes out to the King family for their loss today and I will continue to pray that the civil rights movement ends their campaign of deceit and strives to achieve the true dream of the late Dr. Martin Luther King.

Although, I just keep wondering how long it's going to take for some asshat liberal to come out of the woodwork saying how poetic it was that Coretta Scott King decided to pass away the same morning Samuel Alito was approved by the US Senate (albeit under unprecedented partisan circumstances) and sworn in as our country's newest Supreme Court Justice.

...personally, I'm laying bets on it being Senator "Deep-Six" from the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts, but I could be wrong.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh yeh, Canada!!!

Canadian Conservative Stephen Harper kicked Liberal Kanuck butt yesterday and (at least symbolically) put an end to 13 years of absolute liberal/socialist rule in the Great White North. My question is; where are all those poor exiled moonbats going to move to now? After GW took the wind out of their sails in November '04, PEST (post election stress disorder) compelled them to escape across the border to our socialist neighbor to the north, but now it seems as though the welcome mat has been ripped out from under their feet!!! Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth commence!!! Maybe the moonbats would find some comfort in moving to either Cuba or Venezuela:)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Too bucking funny!!!

This guy I work with (same one who's dog "Bandit" passed away last month) keeps sending me really funny stuff. Click on the picture above to play the WMF clip. ROFLMAO!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


This past Monday, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin attempted to do what should be so obvious to anyone with half a brain. When he said that New Orleans should once again be a "chocolate" New Orleans, he was at least speaking how he honestly feels. Crazy? You bet! What was crazy about it was how racist his words appeared to the remaining voters in that devastated city ... spoken on the day this nation was supposed to be celebrating the birthday of a man who "dreamed" of racially diverse harmony! It's more than obvious, the man knows that the ruin which hurricane Katrina caused and the subsequent lack of action on his part and that of Louisiana's worthless idiot governor resulted in the massive depletion of his voting base. To put it plainly, unless he gets those folks back to his city (and yes, a majority of whom are of non-caucasian persuasion) Ray Nagin is dead in the water - no pun intendid. I saw this all coming the day after the storm even before the levees broke. However, if you look back at MLK day, it was even more amusing to watch the others on the loony left make the Democrat party, as a whole, look even more nuts than Ray Nagin himself.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy 300th Birthday Ben Franklin!!!

One of the most remarkable citizens in American history, Benjamin Franklin acomplished more in 10 years than most men have over their entire lifetime. In addition to being a famous American patriot, Ben was also a sucessful scientist and inventor, a statesman, a philosopher, a printer, a musician, an economist and was also a self educated homeschool student! He is the patron philosopher of this web site and to the best of my knowledge, his achievements and contributions to this country far out number those of any other single individual in our nation's history...



If you would like to learn more about this remarkable man, visit or I have found both to be fine repositories of knowledge on the great Benjamin Franklin.

To see a really cool shockwave video biography about his life, click here...

To read his autobiography, click here...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Not just a dream anymore...

I must make a confession; when Ronaldus Maximus signed into law a new federal holiday in honor of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I was of the opinion that this action was akin to throwing-the-dog-a-bone politics. Why else would there be the need to create a “black” holiday? Of course, I was a little closed minded in my younger years when I formed that opinion and it was due mostly to being raised with an unfavorable prejudice toward all non-white folk. Growing up in an all white rural community where the only black folk you knew were either farm hands or inner city ghetto dwellers, stereotypes grew larger than the fears which fostered them in the first place. Not surprisingly, as I grew older and wiser, many of those stereotypes were diminished once I realized that we are all God’s children and there are good and bad people of all races.

One day in the mid ‘90s, I had the divine privilege of meeting a conservative black family. Their views on how the government was continuing to foster dependency within the black community knocked me right off my feet. They saw the truth behind what they knew was a scheme by politicians (mostly democrat, but some republicans included) to keep black folk suppressed by nurturing their fear, hatred and opposition to the white majority. Through socialism and political correctness, these politicians would ostensively con a vast number of blacks into believing that no matter how hard they worked and struggled to get ahead, they would always be denied the same opportunities as whites. As it turned out, the politicians most likely to implement such socialist and race based legislation were also the politicians who were, at the same time, denying blacks the access to positions of power and prestige that they themselves were occupying.

Those in leadership positions of the modern day civil rights movement have usurped Dr. King’s cause for racial equality and twisted it to increase their own prestige, advance their progressive political agenda and scoff at those who have broken away from the socialist mentality. Being a black man himself, my new friend called it the “monkey in the cage theory.” *I swear I’m not making this up!* He said that a select few monkeys, popular for their leadership ability to rally the angry emotions of the others in the cage, fostered the idea that all monkeys are, by virtue of their appearance, doomed to a life of hardship and oppression. Without the hope of success outside the group, the monkeys feel content to live out their lives in the cage under the care of their leaders. Since all their needs for survival were found within their confines, why should they even bother trying to escape? Still, driven by determination, some in the group fight to escape and eventually do. Not surprisingly, those who chose to remain in the cage ridicule, mock and heap insults upon the ones who have broken away from their group and have found the true meaning of freedom and liberation.

My friend also noted that by creating an endless array of race based social assistance and racial equality programs, socialist politicians make it possible for themselves to ensure their success at the ballot box despite their continued lack of recognition for the true “dream” of the great Dr. King. He pointed out that through their heated rhetoric, liberals make it quite apparent that if you don’t keep them in power, the black community would have absolutely no hope of achieving racial equality. Every man is ultimately responsible for himself and for his future and in this country, of all the places on God’s green earth, America is by far the greatest land of opportunity. Recalling the words of his own father, he said that success is never given, but earned through hard work and dedication. With that in mind, the only limitation left to overcome is your own fear of failure.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Feeding Frenzy

Sorry folks, I’ve been absent for the past couple of weeks trying to get some of my sanity back and unfortunately I’m still not a lick better for it. Well, for what it’s worth, I did get some much needed sleep time. With every thing going on out there, I just had to take a pass on the punditry and watch from the sidelines. Needless to say, by not ranting about all the crap I’ve been hearing about in the news over the past week, I find myself getting increasingly frustrated.

More so than in the past ’04 elections, the democrats are ratcheting up their lies and their hypocrisy and the weak-kneed republicans are just letting them rue the day. Where the hell is their backbone! To this day, I cannot for the life of me, figure it out. The only thing that I can guess is that these wussies are so worried that the voters are going to perceive them as mean and vengeful partisans, unwilling to play nice with their democrat colleagues that they refuse to go on the offensive. Well you know what? Just sticking to the issues isn’t going to be enough anymore. They must counter attack or face being devoured by the rabid left. They have more than enough ammo. What they need to do is stop being so damned gun shy and pull the freakin’ trigger. There is a dedicated hard-core effort out there to destroy the political right in this country and these people are going to stop at nothing to get their power back. Someone needs to remind the GOP of what I’ve been trying to say all along… in the words of our old friend Ben Franklin; “Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.”

Thursday, January 05, 2006


This morning, Matt Drudge posted an article by the Los Vegas Review Journal which quotes Senate Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid saying that Homeland Security Chief Chertoff should resign.

Reid, D-Nev., joins Clark County Sheriff Bill Young in calling for Chertoff to step down as a result of the decision jeopardizing millions in additional federal funding that Nevada currently receives as a result of being considered a potential terrorist target.

"Anyone who can't see that Las Vegas is a high-risk area doesn't deserve to serve in a position like that," Reid said.

Does this idiot have no shame? In light of Tuesday's guilty plea issued by Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff on charges of conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion and that the National Republican Senatorial Committee names Reid as receiving at least $68,941 from him, leaves little doubt that if anyone needs to resign his leadership, it's Senator Harry Reid! If House Republican Majority Leader Tom Delay had to relinquish his leadership roll because of possible criminal impropriety, where is the same standard for the Democrats??? Hypocrite Harry Reid's got some nerve! What a total looser!!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

MSM buzzards spotted hovering over Mudville!!!

Since my early days in the blogosphere, I have been an avid reader of The Mudville Gazette (aka Millblogs) – an internet journal devoted to those proudly serving in our country’s armed forces. These brave people who are defending our freedom and spreading libery throughout the world have very few outlets to discuss their experiences with others who need to know that they’re fighting hard, kicking the bad guy’s ass and getting the unconditional support of a very grateful nation. I’m proud of each and every one of them for their sacrifice and their determination to bring this war to the enemy and return home victorious. God bless them all!

As with any war, one of the most crucial weapons needed for success is battlefield intelligence and the element of surprise. Unfortunately, any public correspondence conducted with relation to military operations and personnel must come under the strict scrutiny of the battlefield commanders. Doing so not only ensures the success of current and future operations but also ensures that the maximum amount of safety is afforded each and every member of the team. One of the hallmarks of our country’s armed forces is the amount of due diligence of all who serve in covering each other’s backside especially in the heat of battle.

For as long as I’ve been reading Millblogs, I have never encountered any incident where actual battle plans or ongoing operations appear to have been compromised through any of the blog postings. Needless to say, I am not a battlefield commander nor I am not in any position to distinguish that which is sensitive information or otherwise. However, even as a civilian, I do realize the importance of such scrutiny and therefore entrust my confidence in our military commanders and intelligence offices to make those important distinctions.

New York Newsday (a Long Island paper) had an article today discussing how the military is starting to clamp down on the content being discussed on Millblogs as it has the obvious potential of becoming an intelligence risk thus jeopardizing current and future combat missions as well as the safety of those involved. Of course they found one disgruntled serviceman willing to pitch a public hissy fit over the whole ordeal and as predictable as sun rising in the east, they chose to use this guy’s frustrations to make all the advances and victories in this war seem synonymous with the presumption that George Bush lied to get us into this war in the first place and that he’s continuing to ignore how badly this war supposedly is.

…Nowadays, milbloggers "get shut down almost as fast as they're set up," said New York Army National Guard Spc. Jason Christopher Hartley, 31, of upstate New Paltz, who believes something is lost as the grunt's-eye take on Tikrit or Kabul is silenced or sanitized.

Hartley last January was among the first active-duty combat troops demoted and fined for security violations on his blog,

Throughout last year, the Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy tightened control on bloggers by requiring them to register through the chain of command and by creating special security squads to monitor milblogs.

"The ones that stay up are completely patriotic and innocuous, and they're fine if you want to read the flag-waving and how everything's peachy keen in Iraq," said Hartley, who is back in New Paltz after two years stationed in Iraq…

Now, I don’t know Spc. Hartley and I have no intention of speaking badly of the man. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a hero for his sacrifice to this nation. Unfortunately, I think he’s just another showpiece being propped up by the MSM in support of their anti-war/peacenik agenda - the same MSM that gloats over the dissent of anyone tied in any way to the US military and exploits them to further their progressive (liberal) agenda.

BTW, does the town of New Paltz, NY ring any familiar bells? I live 20 minutes away from the place here in Montgomery, NY and I took some college courses there some several years back. It’s a big state college town. It’s also known throughout the Hudson Valley region as a Mecca of progressive (liberal) ideology. No disrespect intended toward Spc. Hartley, but some might even say it rivals Berkley, CA. Just think of it as the East Coast version of San Francisco, but don’t just take my word for it. Google the words “New Paltz Progressive” and see for yourself. From what I gather by reading Spc. Hartley’s blog, even he appears to know how out of touch with reality some of the folks living there really are.

Lastly, it must be said that I also hold no ideological opinion of Spc. Hartley one way or the other. He’s a soldier just like many others out there and it is not him that I have a problem with, it’s the scum-buzzards in the MSM circling him like fresh road kill on a hot summer night that I can’t put up with. And just like many others, he knows that there are a lot of shitty rules in the military that many agree are hard to live with, but for the sake of our success in this war and for the wellbeing of those he serves with, they are the glue that holds the ranks together.