Don't worry, I ain't planning on bailing out on y'all again, nor am I planning any "cut and run" strategies... at least not for anytime in the foreseeable future ;)First of all, you know that since I've been back, I've been doing a little cleaning up and home improvement here at the site which has included:
- Updating the platform from Wordpress 1.5 to Wordpress 2.1.3
- Cleaning up my Blogroll and frequently visited blog banners as-well-as adding some new sites (ongoing)
- Adding comment avatars (see "Who's Your Daddy" post)
- Adding MoFiZiX MuZiX (favorite music Shockwave script)
- Adding comment lockout (currently set for 14 day limit)
- Adding captcha challenges for posting comments (DIE YOU SPAM-BOT SCUMBAGS!!!)
- Adding an additional spam blocker java script (DIE YOU SCUMBAG SPAMMERS!!!)
- Adding the ability for commenters to subscribe and receive emails on follow up comments
- Beginning to categorize my new blog posts and the old ones as well
Of all the things I added to this website, none excite me more than the ones I am about to mention... save, perhaps the anti-spam scripts.
Back when I put this new site together after moving from my original
Blogger website, one of the first things I did in my layout was to add a list of organizations with linked banners to which I most ademently support. Since then, I've added
Move America Forward in opposition to the UN and
Stop the ACLU in opposition to the American Commie Lawyer's Union.
Well, today I am happy to announce two new additions to that list. The first gets honorable mention here because I can kick myself in the ass for overlooking it to begin with. Since 9/11 there has been no priority in our country greater than the security of our borders and with both Democrats as well as Republicans (including our President) being so ignorant of the problem, it sure is comforting to see that someone has finally stepped up to the plate to address the issue from a boots-on-the-ground perspective.
Chris Simcox, having all but given up on the notion that our elected officials and law enforcement would ever get off their lazy posteriors and do something about the endless invasion by undocumented people entering our country as illegal aliens, has formed one of the most effective campaigns aimed at reversing this dangerous status quo.
The Minuteman Project, made up entirely of volunteers, has generated a huge ground swelling of American folks who are likewise fed up with the inaction by our government to protect our country's most vulnerable points of entry. And so, today I have Photoshopped and added Chris's Minuteman logo to my website's right sidebar thereby linking my visitors to his group's home page. Hats off to you Chris and a civilian's salute to all those brave and dedicated men and women volunteering their time and resources toward helping keep our borders secure.

Secondly, with all the political posturing by wannabe Republican presidential candidates and the fact that all of the front runners are freaking RINOs, the majority of the party base has been clamoring for a savior to take the lead who follows the ideological principles of Goldwater and Reagan. Recently there has been a lot of speculation and hope floating around on the internet that there may be such an individual who fits that bill and is still considering weather or not he wants to throw his hat in the ring. Former Senator, actor and commentator Fred Thompson represents the best hope we have of putting that type of leader in the Oval Office. His stance on all the issues important to us conservatives are dead-balls-on and support for him to run as a candidate is growing by leaps and bounds every day. Obviously, the more folks that call on him to run, the more likely he will make the decision to enter the race.
As of now there are only a few grassroots campaigns working to encourage Fred Thompson to run by gathering names to show our support. One of those sites is
Draft Thompson '08. It's a bit smaller than the website
Draft Fred Thompson President 2008, which carries the lead petition, but is an awesome site none-the-less. The site is run by a young beauty named Ala who loves karate, conservatism, photography, and also posts on her personal blog over at a site named
Blonde Sagacity. She's a really talented blogger and talks a great deal of common sense. I've added her Draft Thompson Blogroll on the left sidebar and her Draft Thompson banner on the right. I invite you to please do the same and show your support for the only CONSERVATIVE Republican hopeful capable of going the distance in 2008. And so, a warm welcome to Ala and the Draft Thompson '08 blogging community.

...and now back to our regular scheduled programming.