Even though 2010 was an economic disaster for many of us - myself included, I must admit, as a whole, 2010 turned out to be a better year than 2009. Allow me to explain... First and foremost, I saw my countrymen rise up in defiance of radical leftist progressivism, retake a significant number of local government seats of power, retake the U.S. House of Representatives and made huge advances in balancing the power in the U.S. Senate. Hopefully in two tears, this momentum will continue and put our country on a much more solid footing, allowing the return of constitutional government.
On a more personal level, I was finally able to quit smoking after 30 years! I tried to quit by way of the nicotine patches, but after 3 days, I realized that I was able to do it without them and fought through it the rest of the way with regular chewing gum to satisfy my oral fixation. Bottom line is that it worked for me and I am happy to say that I'm free at last! Thank you God for the strength and will-power I needed to escape that bondage.
Even though I consider myself free from that addiction, I was only able to do so by treating my recovery in much the same way an alcoholic stays off the sauce. There really is little difference in the actual addiction. After 7 months, I still occasionally think about cigarettes, but as time goes by, I am able to work through those moments of weakness. I must admit that on three occasions since, I have "lit up." Although they were definitely moments of weakness, I would hardly compare it to falling off the wagon. Once was with my wife, once was with an old friend who was in town from Florida, and more recently, New Years Eve. On New Years Eve, in celebration of the holiday, I smoked a cigarillo (small cigar) dipped in rum. It was a nice indulgence and I was able to leave it at that. After the fact, I am happy to report, that I have no desire to return to that life of bondage.
Looking ahead, I sort-of made it a New Years resolution to start loosing weight and get back into shape. While I don't expect to return to the shape I was in 1988, I do want to be able to fit into some of my old clothes and have more energy to play with my kids. If my efforts begin to produce positive results, perhaps I will be able to go all the way. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, I don't want to be part of the statistic used to measure the number of people who give up on their New Years resolutions after a couple of weeks. As mentioned before, with God's help, all things are possible.
In closing, I just want to wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!